
Vulnerability Scanning

Fully managed and automated Tenable stack to accelerate scan coverage
benefits icon Application-centric approach
benefits icon Emerging threats response
benefits icon Designed for dynamic cloud inventories
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Application-centric approach

Cloudaware IT Asset Management provides application context to every vulnerability. Cloudaware associates vulnerabilities to cloud resources and identifies teams responsible for remediation. The vulnerability distribution reduces the load on the centralized security team resulting in quicker incident resolution.

Emerging threats response

New vulnerabilities surface every day. In order to identify ever-emerging threats, vulnerability scanning systems have to rely on file-based scanning. Traditional scanning vendors shy away from file-based assessments because detailed scans may cause capacity and performance overloads. Cloudaware offers granular file-based scanning using YARA nutshell. We focus on specific file directories to minimize system resource consumption. Our methodology helps to narrow the range of use cases that SecOps need to solve.


Designed for dynamic cloud inventories

In the cloud era, customer environments scale up and down as quickly as demands change. Cloudaware Breeze smoothly orchestrates scan agents registration and deregistration using a pool of available scanning licenses. Such flexible licensing helps to reduce the costs of security. Short-lived inventories, where many instances are regularly spun up from a specific image, demand a different approach. Cloudaware offers image scanning to assess vulnerabilities that may multiply every time a new instance is launched. Addressing the issue at the root is more effective.



Enhance data already in CMDB by adding integration with your vulnerability scanning product.

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